


Herman Wouters

for almost 20 years I worked as a regular contributor to The New York Times, on assignment by the Art, Travel and Foreign desks on features in the Netherlands.  I also worked for the Dutch national newspaper Trouw and national weekly magazines de Groene Amsterdammer and  HP/DeTijd. For a few years I was a parttime photo editor for the national newspaper de Volkskrant.

Nowadays I work on more experimental "slow-documentary" projects in the urban landscape, often resulting in self published zines, next to corporate assignments and teaching

Teacher documentary photography at Fotoacademie Amsterdam.

Worked as a corporate photographer for Luchthaven Schiphol Airport  and Wolters Kluwer.

Represented by photo agency ANP/Hollandse Hoogte

Represented by Sandvoort Gallery

Several of my documentary series were awarded with the De Zilveren Camera -Silver Camera Award-, the annual Dutch photo journalism award.

I had 3 nominations in The Photo Book Now Contest 2011, Kyoto Hariban award 2017 finalist

Studied History of Art and Architecture at VU University in Amsterdam and painting at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy of Arts in Amsterdam.


Publications and assignments by: The New York Times, The International Herald Tribune, Business Week, Time Magazine, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, The Village Voice, Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, Max, Le Monde, The Guardian, GEO, de Groene Amsterdammer, Trouw, HP/De Tijd, Het Financieele Dagblad, De Volkskrant, NRC Handelsblad, De Morgen, KLM, FEM Business, Amerika, Intermediair,  Wordt Vervolgd, Het Parool, Elsevier, De Pers, Wegener Dagbladen, De Gelderlander, IDEE, World Press Photo Review, Schipholland, de Psycholoog, Mind Magazine, Hulp (Rode Kruis), Rijnboutt Magazine, Het Danspaleis, Wolters Kluwer.



My work arises from noticing the urban landscape as objective as possible,
driven by a good portion of amazement at what I find.

And there is quite something to be surprised about.
In addition, I enjoy the craft of making a good picture,
where the subject is as important as photography itself.

Play with ordinary reality an take note of the sign language of the city.

Find big events in small nothings.



publications (selection)

  • 2024 34 Blocked Views, Amsterdam op maandag
  • 2023 Parts of a World, katane
  • 2022 Berliner Nachrichten, PO
  • 2021 Hortus
  • 2020 a few blind spots, the Sun is a Clown,
  • 2019 Bar Italia 
  • 2018 14 unreported observations , Kaai, Tokyo Chome
  • 2017 Sunken Boats,  finalist Kyoto Hariban award 2017 
  • 2016 desassossego (Pessoa and Lisbon) , NewDawnPaper
  • 2014 everything I know about blue (USA-Canada, The Northern Route)
  • 2013 Devotio, Schoolstraat
  • 2012 De Brandgang: anarchie bij u achterom, Matt Dings
  • 2012 Brandgang
  • 2011 3 books nominated Photobook Now Contest:The Fall Show, Mercato Coperto, Made in Taiwan:
  • 2011  The New York Times, Slaughter Ban
  • 2011  The New York Times, 36 Hours Amsterdam/ Great Homes
  • 2010  The New York Times, Dutch Herring/Great Homes Brouwersgracht
  • 2010  GUP Magazine, 25 jarigen project Hollandse Hoogte
  • 2008/10 HP/De Tijd, portrettenserie “Jonge Jaren”, met Matt Dings,
  • 2009  The New York Times, Amsterdam with Kids/ Haarlem/Antwerp Second Hand
  • 2009  Schiphol Jaarverslag/Sustainability Report 2008
  • 2008  Schiphol Jaarverslag/Sustainability Report 2007
  • 2008  The New York Times,Houseboats Amsterdam/Docklands/Begijnhof/RedLight
  • 2007  Hans Aarsman, De Aarsman collectie
  • 2007  Zilveren Camera, landelijke documentaire series
  • 2007  The New York Times, Anne Frank/36 Hours Amsterdam/36 hours Brussels affordable Europe/Great Homes Herengracht
  • 2006  Hollandse Pot, over eten in Nederland/ Hollandse Hoogte jaaropdracht
  • 2006  NIBC Jaarverslag
  • 2006 TNT Jaarverslag/Sustainability Report
  • 2006  The New York Times, Westergasfabriek/Goudstikker collection/Rembrandt/
  • 2005  Zilveren Camera, Landelijk Nieuws series
  • 2005  The New York Times, Going to Amsterdam/
  • 2004  The New York Times, View on Delft/Hermitage/
  • 2003  Zilveren Camera, documentaire series, catalogus
  • 2003  Hoog Water, De Ramp 50 jaar later, portretten
  • 2004  The New York Times, Why we Travel
  • 2002  Amerika, What about Greenville?
  • 2002  Delta Democrat Times, An european view on Greenville
  • 2002  02-02-02, Nederlandse fotografen bezien Het Huwelijk van Prins Willem Alexander en Maxima)
  • 2002  Oog in Oog, hedendaagse Nederlandse fotografie, SBK
  • 2002  Business Week, Murder in The Netherlands (Pim Fortuyn)
  • 2001  Delta Democrat Times: Dutch photographer will chronicle Delta life
  • 2001  The New York Times, Supperclub/Prostitution/Amsterdam Choice tables
  • 2000  FOTO: Hotel Niepce, Bij het licht van een televisieprogramma, Johan de Vos
  • 1999 De Groene Amsterdammer: "Feest"

Tentoonstellingen (selectie)

  • 2021 Nieuwe Kerk, Maison Amsterdam
  • 2019 Sandvoort Gallery
  • 2012  Brandgang, ARCAM, Architectuur centrum Amsterdam 
  • 2011  25 uur met 25 jarigen, de Kleine Klup, Leiden, Sanoma Hoofddorp
  • 2010 25 uur met 25 jarigen, Herman Wouters, fotograaf, Pakhuis de Zwijger
  • 2008  Hong Kong Visions, Muziekgebouw aan het IJ
  • 2008  Zilveren Camera, GEM Fotomuseum, Den Haag
  • 2006  Zilveren Camera, Spaarnestad Archief Haarlem
  • 2004  American Owned and Run, De Engelbewaarder. Amerika
  • 2004  Zilveren Camera, Stadhuis Haarlem
  • 2003  Rare Snuiters, Fotografen op reis, samenstelling Midas Dekkers, Nieuwe Kerk
  • 2002  Oog in Oog, hedendaagse nederlandse fotografie, Kunsthal De Remise
  • 2000  SBK Amsterdam, fototentoonstelling, weekend vd fotografie
  • 1997  Solopresentatie SBK Amsterdam
  • 1996  Artotheek Oost, Amsterdam. (Prijswinnaar project Uitdagingen)
  • 1997  Amsterdams Centrum voor de Fotografie
  • 1997  Nationaal Vakbondsmuseum, Amsterdam
  • 1995  De Kazerne, Amsterdam
  • 1991  W 139, Amsterdam, "Du corps et L' esprit'
  • 1988  Arti & Amicitae, Amsterdam, Tetar van Elven Fonds
  • 1987  Singer Museum, Laren
  • 1987  Asselijn Amsterdam
  • 1985  Koninklijke subsidie voor schilderkunst, Paleis op de Dam
  • 1982  Strange Delights, dia-show, De Melkweg, Amsterdam


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